Modded Euros to Speak at SEMA 2019

SEMA 2019 is almost here and you can expect we will not leave you hanging with ongoing content from behind the scenes at the show.
This year Modded Euros will have extra involvement by having representatives speaking on both Monday and Tuesday as part of the SEMA Education division. Recognized as a leader in the european automotive space with close ties to the leading brands, Modded Euros is an advocate for long term business growth in the industry by forming strategic partnerships for our brands. Both in a reselling application as well as a business advisory role.
If you happen to be attending SEMA as part of your company. Whether a retailer, distributor or manufacturer we welcome you to come by and attend or just to say hi.

To learn more about our educational sessions you can scan the above QR codes to register or just swing by to attend. Attendance is free and part of the SEMA Education series.
Any questions or comments please email [email protected]